On July 9th, 2024, the Union Veterans Council (UVC) made history by leading a large-scale delegation of union veteran workers to the White House.

Union Veterans are giving Majewski a clear choice: provide the documents or suspend the campaign.


Veterans org also demands the Defense Department Release Rules of Engagement used during federal activation

STATEMENT: Union Veterans Council on George Floyd and National Protests

The Union Veterans Council, AFL-CIO mourns the tragic and unnecessary death of George Floyd. As an organization that represents those who served our country, we are heartbroken that George Floyd died at the hands of the very police that took an oath to protect him. George Floyd shouldn’t be a symbol, but he is. His death reflects a grim reality that racism and injustice exist in American institutions, from schools to workplaces to businesses to the sidewalk where he walked.

The Union Veterans Council, AFL-CIO sent a letter urging Congress to learn from the lessons of the 2008 financial crisis and to take early, swift action to mitigate the financial hardships that inevitably will be leveled on America’s veterans and their families as the coronavirus recession takes hold.


COVID-19 - Experts tell us, social distancing is our strongest life-saving tool when it comes to fighting the novel coronavirus, but for veterans, social distancing isn't as easy as it may be for others. Along with social distancing, many are facing sudden job loss and loss of wages during this pandemic, creating the "perfect storm" for a mental health crisis in our veteran's community.

Trump Administration Roadblocks Veterans From Receiving Relief Aid

The Union Veterans Council, AFL-CIO, is alarmed and appalled that the Trump administration is actively working to put artificial barriers in the way of our nation's heroes from receiving individual stimulus checks. As the recently passed Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act stands, over half of our veterans who rely on Social Security benefits will not automatically receive relief funds. 

TSA Officers’ Union Says Agency Has Answered their Call for Increased Protective Equipment
Thanks to their union, TSA officers can now wear N95 masks

Washington, DC - Alarmed by a Trump administration proposal to make disabled Americans prove they remain disabled and eligible for continued disability benefits every six months, more than 10,300 veterans and retirees have vehemently told the Social Security Administration (SSA) they oppose the plan. The Alliance for Retired Americans and the Union Veterans Council of the AFL-CIO have joined forces to try to block this change because it will cut benefits to thousands of people who need them.