The main veteran union constituency group joins other leading pro-veteran organizations in opposing S.J. Res 47.
(Washington, D.C.) – The Union Veterans Council is urging President Donald Trump to veto S.J. Res. 47, and to stand with the American Legion, the Military Coalition, and an additional 29 Veteran Services Organizations, including the National Guard Association of the United States, Vietnam Veterans of America, and the National Military Family Association.
“We stand with all these veterans services organizations in opposing this bill that will only hurt our nation’s veterans who have fought and served to defend the constitution and the rights that it provides the people of America,” said Executive Director William Attig. “We ask our Commander in Chief to side with the military community and not big banks and corporate lobbyists.”
The bill, J.Res.47, was passed by the Senate with a split vote of 51-50. Veteran advocacy organizations have argued that if President Donald Trump signs it into law, veterans and servicemembers could face the loss of financial protections and the right to defend themselves in the court of law.
Another concern is that the pending CRA resolution blocking the CFPB’s important new rule on arbitration strips constitutional rights from the very people that put their lives one the line to protect them.
“President Trump has two options: either side with the big banks and corporate lobbyist or support the service men and women that have sacrificed for this nation,” said Attig. “The entire military community will be watching The President’s decision. I hope he makes the right one.”
Contact: William Attig
[email protected]